17 August 2013

Family Visit + Wedding

On the second day of Raya, my relatives from Thailand datang visit. Fa, the one who helped me during my Bangkok trip before bagi tau her family nak datang beraya soon through Facebook. I was so excited sebab its been a while I havent seen her. And yeah.. finally we met! Hihi. 

Some of them can speak malay but my family semua cant speak Thai. Haha. I guess we need to learn Thai soon. I did actually.. but only during my visit to Bangkok which I will forgot after that trip. LOL! Seriously I want to learn! :)

They were having lunch at my grandma's house. And they insist us to visit them and keep on telling us bout their food. Yes, I know.. Who can resist Thai's cooking rite? (I'm drooling already teringat makanan kat Bangkok!). Insha Allah one day we will visit you guys. Promise.

On the third day, my childhood friend got married. So my third day activity was attending her wedding reception. Already reserved my tummy that day for delicious makanan at kenduri kahwin. I love makanan kenduri! Haha. Especially with the air sirap. :p

Congrats Zahie Omar + Ezuwan Ismail ! 

May both of you live happily ever after till jannah. Insha Allah. 


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